Sunday, September 8, 2024

September Musings

September is back to school month and even if you are an adult now, you can usually still recall the back to school days.  It was a new beginning.. sometimes scary, sometimes joyous.  New experiences were awaiting you.
How about now? September is still a new beginning to  the year.  What will it hold for you?

1. As summer's heat fades do you get out and about in nature often ?  Where do you go, what do you do?  What would you like to do?

2. What has changed in your life that you miss/regret the most?

3.  Money is no object, nothing stands in your way.. are you going to move  or stay where you are?

4.  How can you improve your life?


  1. I'm an early bird, "killing two birds with one stone"....a Monday and a Tuesday post all in one! Thanks, Annie. Praying for your "Famous Anonymous".

  2. Thanks a lot and have a great day!


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