Sunday, August 4, 2024

Friendly Chat

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  With just four questions each week we hope to change the world!  

Well, okay, we can't change the world  but we do hope to help you have something to blog about, think about and talk about.        I hope everyone in Florida is okay  with the storm Debby! Be safe friends.

So, let's take our tea or coffee and sit down together and  have a friendly chat about life........

"So Dora.. how's life lately?"

1.  If you were or are married, did or do you enjoy being married?  If you are not married are you content and happy in that life?

2. What are the best parts of your life today?  What were the best things about your life in the past?

3.  What more could you add to your life to make it better, or conversely, what could you remove to make it better for you?

4. If you work... are you really pleased in your job or would you like something better?  If you are retired is it all you hoped it would be and how could it be better for you?


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