Monday, June 3, 2024

Rainy Days and Mondays

 My computer has been going up and down since Sunday so this is a bit late but I do hope you will join in anyway.

Welcome back. Toni Taddeo began this Tuesday 4 question and answer postings and I am continuing it in her honor.. 

It's been a bit rainy and stormy across the USA this spring and I have seen so many negative sentiments about Mondays.   Karen Carpenter sang about rainy days and Mondays always getting her down.   Can we discuss it?

1. How do you feel about rainy days? Do they make you happy or sad? Do they always get you down?

2. How about Monday. Do they get you down or do you think that just might be a habit of negative thinking?

3. Did you play in puddles as a kid? Or were you not the kind that liked getting wet and muddy?

4.  Are there foods/meals that you find especially comforting on stormy days?  Nosy people want to know!!


  1. Thank you!
    Fun to answer the questions of this week.
    I haven't blogged yet about camping in England in a leaking tent....

  2. Now maybe it will rain since we've talked about it so much! I hope so!! We need the rain here in Florida! Have a lovely week!


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