Sunday, September 10, 2023

Your Garden

Its Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 once again and I thought it might be nice to talk about our gardens or house plants.  After all, houseplants are indoor gardens and fish aquariums can be water gardens.

1. Do you have a garden indoors or outdoors?   Houseplants count I think.  If not, why don't you have them?

2. Have you visited Longwood Gardens or any of the large gardens and horticultural sites around the world or your state? Tell us about it.

3.  Most people really enjoy a little garden but I think we sometimes make too many excuses not to do things we really would enjoy.  Too busy, not enough space, etc.   But if we put our minds to it, anything is possible  Do you believe that?

 4. Ideally, what flowers, shrubs and trees do you want in your little garden real or imagined?


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