Sunday, June 18, 2023

Personal Snapshot


Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we try to get you talking, thinking and making new friends while you get to know old friends better.

Today is a hodgepodge of question for you to ponder:

1.  What TV programs that everyone else loved/loves did/do  you  dislike and why? Conversely, what program did you love while everyone else thought it was awful? (or maybe a song, book..etc)

2   Do you resent serving without thanks or do you see a higher purpose behind it?

3.  What flavor ice cream is your favorite and how do you like it served? (Sunday, Blizzard, cone, dish?) What toppings make your day?

4. How many pairs of shoes do you own? How many handbags? Do you use/wear them all? Should you weed them out?


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