Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday4
I came across this Photoshop that I did a few years ago in which I replaced Vivian Leigh's head with my daughters head. She is a huge Gone With the Wind fan.
It was an epic novel and a big silver screem hit .
1. Have you read the book or seen the movie Gone with the Wind and what did you think of it?
2; Which character was your favorite? If you didn't read it or see it. who is your favorite ficitional character from a book or movie and why?
3. Are you a fan of big epic films like Dr. Zhivago, Gone with the Wind, etc." If not what kind of films do you enjoy the most?
4. The Ante Bellum era is indeed gone with the wind. Is there an era in history that you are interested in or that you have a good deal of knowledge about? Perhaps there is an era you would like to learn more about?