Sunday, December 29, 2024

New Year's Eve

 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 and the eve of 2025.
Growing up New Years Eve was one of my favorite times of the year.   Everyone would come to our home for snacks and drinks before heading out to parties.  And I do mean nearly everyone we knew.  
All dressed up in formal clothing they would join in the fun.
My father would play ragtime on the piano, our German friends played German music and everyone would dance to it.
My mother made  hors d'oeuvres on tiny bread rounds and crackers... bayberry candles burned down for luck. Guy Lombardo was on the TV in the background.

1.What memories of New Years Eve do you have?
2. Do you go to bed early or stay up until midnight to ring in the new year?
3. Do you have special foods or customs for the New Year?
4. Will football and New Year parades be on your agenda for New Years Day?

Whatever you do I hope you have a blessed, safe, happy and healthy New Year.


  1. Thanks Annie and I hope you have a wonderful evening and a happy new year!

  2. Thank you ladies! I hope all your hopes and dreams are fulfilled in this new year.


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