Sunday, August 15, 2021


Thanks for joining in. I hope you find them fun to do and if you have any ideas for questions please let me know in comments here or on my personal blog, Cottage by the Sea.

This week let's talk about engagements and marriage okay? 

1. If you are married would you share how your husband proposed to you? How long were you engaged before you got married? If you aren't married, what would be ideal for you?

2. Did you receive an engagement ring? Would you show us or describe it for us?

3. What kind of wedding did you have? Was it big or small, formal, informal, religious or justice of the peace. Inquiring minds want to know!

4.Was there a honeymoon? Where did you go, how long did you stay? 

Thanks again for participating!






  1. Thanks, Annie! Hope you are doing better!

  2. I'm a little late, but better late than never. Thank you, Annie!! Looking forward to reading everyone else's posts!


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