Sunday, September 20, 2020

Your Home Routine


Welcome to Tuesday 4 where we offer 4 questions of topics for you to discuss each week. Begun by Toni Taddeo, we keep it in her honor.

This week's topic is your home routines.

 1. What laundry products do you like to use or find best for you?

2.Dryer, line or combination of both?

3. Do you have wood floors or carpeting and which is best?

4. Housekeeping professionals give the following guidelines. Which do you follow? Do you have better ideas?

1. open windows first
2. clear up clutter before cleaning.
3. start in bedrooms first
4.give cleaning products time to work.
5.Always sweep or vacuum before mopping
6.use a toothbrush for hard to get at areas
7. keep things on a central cart if you can
8.dust everything
9.vacuum your furniture often, mattresses once a month or so.

Thanks for joining in and if you have ideas for this meme, please let us know!


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