Sunday, August 16, 2020

A Matter of Time

Welcome to Tuesday 4, a collection of 4 questions each week. It is kept up in honor and memory of our dear friend Toni Taddeo, the founder of the meme.

Let's discuss time!
1. Are meals eaten at certain times in your home or are they more spontaneous?
2. If you attend religious services or club meetings, are they morning, afternoon or evening? Are there advantages/disadvantages to that time?
3.Are you in bed and up in the mornings at a regular time each day?
4.Do you set apart specific times during the day or week to do certain things like study, shopping, laundry, visiting?  

As always, thank you so much for keeping this meme alive. It means a lot that you take part and I hope you are enjoying these questions.
Try to visit everyone on the list , won't you?


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